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Hi, we are grade 8 students from BCU school (Central Kalimantan). This blog will talk about the environment around us :D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

About Central Kalimantan

Borneo is the 3rd largest island after Greenland and New Guinea in the world. Kalimantan island in Indonesia covers 73% of Borneo that’s why it called the lung of the earth. In Kalimantan there are four provinces, they are: West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. The capital city of Centra Kalimantan is Palangka Raya. The population of Central Kalimantan is 2.2 million (2010 cesus). Each year the population in Central Kalimantan increase about 2.7%. central Kalimantan is one of the most highest provicial growth rates in Indonesia.
Dayaks people is the indigenous inhabitants of Central  Kalimantan. The tradisional house of Dayak people is Long House. Long house is a really big house but it have a lot of rooms, it is high (we need stairs to get into it) and more that one family stay there. The tradisional weapon from Central Kalimantan is Mandau. There are a lot of taridisional dance from Central Kalimantan, some of them are; Mandau dance, Giring-Giring dance and Balean Dadas dance. Giring-Giring dance is a dance that use to welcome guest. Mandau dance is a dance to saw how good a person can use Mandau(tradisional weapon from Central Kalimantan). Balean Dadas dance is use to cure a sick person. There are some tradisional food from Central Kalimantan. Kenta and Kupu is one of them. Kenta is made from  young rice. Kupu is made from cassava that put in bowl of water and until it get really soft.
Central Kalimantan. (2011, May 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 01:48, May 28, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Central_Kalimantan&oldid=428235764
De'Gigant Tours™ ( PT.Gigantara® ) . (2008). Dayak Culture Of Kalimantan. Available: http://www.borneotourgigant.com/Longhouse.html. Last accessed 27th April 2011.
Tari Giring-Giring. (2010, Mei 28). Wikipedia, . Diakses pada 01:25, Mei 28, 2011 dari http://id.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tari_Giring-Giring&oldid=3245529.

Kathy Mackinnon (1997). The Ecology Of Kalimantan. UK: Eric Oey. p1-802.
By: Crisda Yana